Advanced Estate Planning
The rules that govern estate planning change constantly. This creates a challenge for advisors and, thus, their clients. For every change in the rules, new strategies are developed, and old ideas often fall by the wayside. Our responsibility is to stay current with evolving techniques, strategies and products and to understand the various situations in which they apply. Successful families deserve planning that maximizes the results for them for as many generations as they desire. We are committed to staying at the leading edge of current developments and continuing to refine the implementation of each and every meaningful planning tool.
This process includes utilizing ALL of the tools available, both charitable and non-charitable, and testing various combinations and scenarios using proprietary financial modeling software to stress-test various outcomes. Understanding cash flows, future income, liquidity needs and estate tax implications, enables clients to fully comprehend the viability of their planning decisions. Without the integrated numerical analysis, it is challenging to fully comprehend the impact of any planning proposals. All these techniques are used, of course, to align with the family’s goals.
Once there is agreement that a sustainable proposal has been created, steps are taken to implement each planning element. These must be done correctly and in the right order. Working in concert with the other professional advisors, we complete the planning process alongside the family. If trusts are to be created, competent legal counsel must be engaged. Further the trusts must also be funded with appropriate asset transfers. If appraisals are needed, then a qualified appraiser is retained. If entities are to be formed, then proper jurisdiction is considered. Every step of the process is guided to completion. If there is a need for liquidity or wealth replacement, we will incorporate the appropriate life insurance solution and model the cash flows directly into the plan. We employ every creative insurance solution available in order to resolve client concerns. While we are not attorneys, we will still review documents with an eye to the consistent alignment with family goals and desires.